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Below are articles that have been published in our local magazine and social media platforms. This serves as a library of information relating to the work we do. Please let us know if there are any topics that you would like more knowledge on.
If you would like more information on the below topics, chat to us.

Dino Montepara
1 min read
Making sure your Trust is fit for purpose
Since coming into effect on 30 January 2021, the Trusts Act 2019 has impacted trustees and beneficiaries of trusts. The new Act provides...

Dino Montepara
1 min read
Paying GST when purchasing a property
When purchasing a property, the parties to the sale and purchase agreement elect whether the purchase price includes GST or not. A vendor...

Dino Montepara
1 min read
Before you sign an agreement
Do you know about Titles and Land Covenants? Most land agents will tell you to get legal advice before you sign an agreement. This is...

Dino Montepara
1 min read
Sorting out your relationship property
The Property (Relationships) Act 1976 ("PRA") applies to couples who are married, in a civil union partnership, a de facto relationship,...

Dino Montepara
1 min read
Does your will do what you want?
If a person dies leaving behind a valid will but it does not properly dispose of all their assets, then the remaining assets will be...

Dino Montepara
1 min read
A flood of issues to consider when buying property
Before buying a property, it is essential to conduct thorough research on the area’s history of flooding. This can be done by checking...

Dino Montepara
1 min read
Sorting out your relationship property
Do you need a contracting-out agreement? The Property (Relationships) Act 1976 ("PRA") applies to couples who are married, in a civil...

Dino Montepara
1 min read
Buying a property to rent out
Your legal obligations as a landlord For those looking to purchase a property or to use an existing property as an investment to rent...

Dino Montepara
1 min read
Healthy homes standards
Does your rental meet the healthy home standards? On 1 July 2019 the healthy home standards became law. This introduced certain standards...

Dino Montepara
1 min read
Title approval clauses - Sale and Purchase agreements
Do you know what a due diligence clause is? Title approval clauses, due diligence, sale and purchase agreements A due diligence clause...

Dino Montepara
1 min read
Interest deductibility rules for property investors
Tax Deductions for interest expenses on rental properties will be restricted from 1 October 2021. This would mean that if you acquire a...

Dino Montepara
1 min read
Paying GST when purchasing a property
Does it include GST or not? When purchasing a property, the parties to the sale and purchase agreement elect whether the purchase price...

Dino Montepara
1 min read
Tax deductions - Interest deductibility rules for property investors
Tax Deductions for interest expenses on rental properties will be restricted from 1 October 2021. This would mean that if you acquire a...

Dino Montepara
1 min read
Where there’s a Will there may be a claim
When you make a will you have a moral (and some might say a legal) duty to provide for the proper maintenance and support of certain...

Dino Montepara
1 min read
Flood damage and the stickers system
After the recent floods, you may notice houses with white, yellow, or red stickers. These stickers indicate the level of damage caused by...

Dino Montepara
1 min read
Getting out of an ‘off the plan’ agreement
It is common for the developer in a property agreement to get the code compliance certificate and having the title issue by a certain...

Dino Montepara
2 min read
What do you do when a developer company offers to buy but asks for a discount?
A developer company offers to buy your property but shortly before the settlement date advises you that it cannot come up with the funds...

Dino Montepara
2 min read
Core Trust Documents
Since coming into effect on 30 January 2021, the Trusts Act 2019 has impacted trustees and beneficiaries. The Act has provides for...

Dino Montepara
1 min read
The escalating problem with escalation clauses
Buying a newbuild off the plan could protect you from future increases in the property market. This is because you agree on a purchase...

Dino Montepara
1 min read
Don’t let a Sunset Clause bring darkness over your purchase
When buying a new build it could take months (or even years) before the title issues and the property is built. In such a case, the sale...
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