At Kemp Barristers & Solicitors we recommend that all our clients make a will. As far as you and your family are concerned, it could be the most important paper you ever sign. A well-drafted will that reflects your individual circumstances can relieve financial and emotional strain on your family and help minimise the likelihood of dispute about your estate.
Whether you are in your later years, just starting out in a relationship or beginning a family, making a will is one of the most fundamental things you can do to safeguard the well-being of your loved ones. Even if you do not own major assets, you can quite quickly build up possessions that have monetary or meaningful value to you and to others. A will allows you to decide what will go to whom, even if your possessions have sentimental rather than financial value.
It is important to update your will whenever your circumstances change, for example:
When you start a family.
When you enter into a marriage or a civil union (as any will made prior to this is automatically revoked).
When you end a marriage or civil union (as any existing will remains valid unless you update it).
If you die intestate (which means without having made a will), your assets will be distributed without your directions. Who gets a share of your assets depends upon regulations under the Administration Act, and this may contradict how you would like to have your property distributed. Dying intestate will also increase the amount of time and expense that it takes to settle your estate, due to the need to make applications to the Court and the costs related to this.
At Kemp Barristers & Solicitors, we will draft a will for you that carefully reflects your individual circumstances and your wishes for the future of those you leave behind. We offer valuable advice gained from over 24 years’ experience working with people from all walks of life.
If you wish, you can also nominate us to administer your estate – creating a seamless process for your family and loved ones in their time of grief.
If you would like us to prepare a will for you, then we will need to review your personal relationships and assets in detail.
Contact us to discuss your situation and get tailored advice for you and your family.